About two new emerging scientific continental malacological collections in Southern Brazil
PAIS: Brasil
INSTITUCION: Museu Zoobotânico Augusto Ruschi - MUZAR, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Passo Fundo
COLECCION (nombre y acrónimo): Malacologia (CMOUPF)*
DIRECCION: Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Passo Fundo, Campus Universitário, BR 285, Km 171, São José 99001-970, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul - RS, Brasil
Bióloga Flávia Biondo da Silva (Curador) & Geógrafo A. Ignacio Agudo-Padrón (Colaborador Voluntário)
E-MAIL, TELEFONO, FAX, DEL CURADOR: muzar@upf.br ; ignacioagudo@gmail.com
Telefono (54) 3316-8316 ; Fax (54) 3316-8327
BREVE DESCRIPCION (English Version):
Augusto Ruschi Zoobotanical Museum, Institute of Biological Sciences, Passo Fundo University - UPF, Passo Fundo Municipal District, RS (CMOUPF): Emerging scientific continental malacological collections. Since October 2006, the specific scientific mollusc collection deposited in the Zoobotanical Museum "Augusto Ruschi" - MUZAR is developed, counting the months until July 2011 a total of 68 species; freshwater forms corresponding to 36 (20 Gastropoda & 16 Bivalvia), distributed in 11 families and 19 genera, and 30 Gastropoda terrestrial forms, distributed in 13 families and 22 genera, and even two marine/ eurihaline forms (11 Gastropoda & Bivalvia) in their turn divided into two families and two genera, there are still a number of lots waiting to be properly processed in general. The specimens are cataloged as well as geographic locations belonging provenance, emphasis in the Municipalities of the Santa Catarina's State - SC (with 143 lots - 96 Gastropoda & 47 Bivalvia), and the Brazilian States of Rio Grande do Sul - RS (with 14 lots - four Gastropoda & 10 Bivalvia), Paraná - PR (with 11 lots - eight Gastropoda & three Bivalvia), Mato Grosso do Sul - MS (15 lots - 13 Gastropoda & two Bivalvia), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Ceará - CE and Maranhão - MA (with only one batch of each Gastropoda), Pará - PA (with two lots - one Gastropoda & one Bivalvia), Amazonas - AM (with 5 lots - one Gastropoda & four Bivalvia), and finally the "Department of Salto" from the neighboring country of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay (with 13 lots - seven Gastropoda & six Bivalvia). Each related species is presented accompanied by the following minimum information: No. tumble/ CMOUPF lot; city and State of origin; no. of specimens contained in the lot. The 205 lots recorded so that by the time said make up the collection are listed in a digital file organized in taxonomic order to the species level (... except for the cases still pending establishment of their identity!).
* Referência:
+ AGUDO-PADRÓN, A.I. 2012. A new emerging scientific continental malacological collection - II - in RS State, Southermost Brazil: Augusto Ruschi Zoobotanical Museum, Passo Fundo University - UPF, Passo Fundo Municipal District, RS (CMOUPF). FMCS Newsletter Ellipsaria, Illinois, 14(2): ... in Press.
PAIS: Brasil
INSTITUCION: Museu de Ciências Naturais da Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA
COLECCION (nombre y acrónimo): Malacologia (MCNU)*
DIRECCION: Laboratório Zoologia de Invertebrados, Museu de Ciências Naturais ULBRA, Avenida Farroupilha, 8001, Bairro São José, Canoas 92425-900, Rio Grande do Sul - RS, Brasil
Bióloga Eliane Fraga da Silveira (Curador) & Geógrafo A. Ignacio Agudo-Padrón (Colaborador Voluntário)
E-MAIL, TELEFONO, FAX, DEL CURADOR: mcnu@ulbra.br ; ignacioagudo@gmail.com
Telefono (54) 3316-8316 ; Fax (54) 3316-8327
BREVE DESCRIPCION (English Version):
Since August 2008, the scientific collection of continental molluscs deposited in the Museum of Natural Sciences ULBRA/ Canoas - MCNU is developed, accounting until the month of May 2011 and duly recorded a total of 405 preserved specimens (69 bivalves and 336 gastropods), representing 39 species belonging to 14 freshwater forms (four Gastropoda & 10 Bivalvia) distributed in eight families and 10 genera, and 25 Gastropoda land forms, in their turn distributed among 12 families and 19 genera. The specimens were cataloged as well as final origin confirmed specific geographic locations belonging to the Municipalities in the States of Rio Grande do Sul - RS (with 64 lots - 49 Gastropoda & 15 Bivalvia) and Santa Catarina - SC (Gastropoda with 11 lots). Each related species is presented accompanied by the following minimum information: no. tumble/ MCNU lot, location of origin, date of collection, collector (s), and specimens contained in the consignment as well as other relevant observations. The 75 lots recorded that make up the time said collection (35 in the moist/ alcohol, involving the soft tissues of 79 Gastropoda & two Bivalvia, and 40 in dry - 27 shells Gastropoda & 13 Bivalvia) are listed in a file digitally organized in taxonomic order to the species level, recorded in the general catalog order entry in the collection, including the unprecedented record (material witness) species Milax gagates (Draparnaud,1801) and Lehmannia valentiana Férussac, 1821, european representatives exotic slugs Families MILACIDAE Ellis, 1926 and LIMACIDAE Gray, 1824, respectively, whose occurrence in Brazil had neverbefore been seen, and is further enhanced by such information specific photographic and 33 regional technical reports spawned.
* Referência:
+ AGUDO-PADRÓN, A.I. 2011. A new emerging scientific continental malacological collection and the research with mollusk fauna in the North Metropolitan region of the "Great Porto Alegre", RS, Southermost Brazil. FMCS Newsletter Ellipsaria, Illinois, 13(4): 25-33. Available online at: https://molluskconservation.org/EVENTS/ELLIPSARIA/EllipsariaDec2011.pdf